
Painting a Picture With Words

Painting a Picture With Words

In today’s resource rich environment, Game Masters do not lack for choice when it comes to visually presenting a scene for their players to take in.  Companies such as Hero...

Painting a Picture With Words

In today’s resource rich environment, Game Masters do not lack for choice when it comes to visually presenting a scene for their players to take in.  Companies such as Hero...

Making a Believable Dungeon

Making a Believable Dungeon

One of the most iconic parts of any tabletop roleplay game is the dungeon-delving aspect; your party of friends traveling deep into ancient labyrinths, forgotten ruins, and underground caverns in...

Making a Believable Dungeon

One of the most iconic parts of any tabletop roleplay game is the dungeon-delving aspect; your party of friends traveling deep into ancient labyrinths, forgotten ruins, and underground caverns in...

DnD - Masters of the Arcane

DnD - Masters of the Arcane

Last time we briefly covered the differences between most of the classes in the standard Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook, noting their general strengths and weaknesses as well as potential...

DnD - Masters of the Arcane

Last time we briefly covered the differences between most of the classes in the standard Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook, noting their general strengths and weaknesses as well as potential...

A Beginner’s Guide to DnD Classes

A Beginner’s Guide to DnD Classes

Approaching Dungeons and Dragons as a newcomer can feel a bit overwhelming. You are handed a character sheet full of empty boxes and a Players Handbook that is over 300...

A Beginner’s Guide to DnD Classes

Approaching Dungeons and Dragons as a newcomer can feel a bit overwhelming. You are handed a character sheet full of empty boxes and a Players Handbook that is over 300...

The People Behind the Dungeon

The People Behind the Dungeon

It’s been crazy around the shop over the past couple of months, and with the holiday season in the US wrapping up, we thought it would be a nice idea...

The People Behind the Dungeon

It’s been crazy around the shop over the past couple of months, and with the holiday season in the US wrapping up, we thought it would be a nice idea...

It's Not All Dungeons

It's Not All Dungeons

While any google search or stroll through a local game shop will make it pretty clear that Dungeons and Dragons reigns supreme in the tabletop roleplay game genre (TTRPG), a...

It's Not All Dungeons

While any google search or stroll through a local game shop will make it pretty clear that Dungeons and Dragons reigns supreme in the tabletop roleplay game genre (TTRPG), a...