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Dungeons and Dragons Gift -

It’s a fact. The “seasoning of giving” as we traditionally know it has come and gone. But let’s be honest, there’s never a bad time to think of someone else. It could be a birthday, graduation, or just a thoughtful gesture when the mood strikes. One of the problems that everyone seems to have however, is knowing just what to get the person they’re thinking of. If that special someone happens to be a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast, we’re here to help. Keep reading for our best gift recommendations. Know Your Person It’s one thing to acknowledge that your dearly...

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Dungeon Master -

If you’re a regular reader of our RPG gaming blog, you know that we’re all about helping DM’s run more efficient, interesting Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. In some of our previous posts, we’ve talked about some of our best, tried and true strategies to make combat more interesting for both your players, and yourself. If you need a refresher, check out How to Improve D&D Combat Part 1 and Part 2. While we highly recommend employing some of these strategies, you don’t want to let it drag out too long. Variety is the spice of life and a change in...

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D&D music, Dungeon Master -

Since you first became a DM, you’ve thought about every way to make your Dungeons and Dragons campaigns unique and engaging for your players. If you’re like many of us here at Dirt Cheap Dungeons, you’ve probably lost sleep thinking about all the extra things you can do to enhance the experience. Whether it’s lighting, themed food for your players, map layouts, the list is endless.But what about music? Sure, you probably have some themed music that plays in the background as your players trudge over the landscape. But maybe that music becomes little more than idle background noise after...

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D&D combat, Dungeon Master, dungeons and dragons -

If you’re a savvy Dungeon Master and you read our previous post, you probably garnered some ideas about how to make the combat phases of your campaigns more interesting. Maybe you’ve found this is the stage of the game that has a tendency to become redundant with characters bludgeoning each other until one or the other achieves enough HP. After a while, players become bored.Hopefully, the previous post gave you some useful tactics to make combat more interesting. Guess what? We’re back with a few more creative ideas to help you enhance this part of your campaigns even more.  ...

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Dungeon Master, dungeons and dragons -

When you start out as a Dungeon Master (DM), there’s a lot to learn. It’s your responsibility to not only run a smooth campaign and know all the rules and procedures, you’re tasked with keeping the players in the game engaged.You’ve been at it a while and feel comfortable in your role. However, maybe you’ve found that combat isn’t as exciting as it once was. The same scenario of “roll D20, hit, damage” seems to play out over and over again. After a while, players start to find combat monotonous as it boils down to not much more than seeing...

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